Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

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NABH is a certification and accreditation that indicates that a Hospital provides care based on NABH standards.

Based on IRDA mandate all Hospitals empanelled with Insurance are required to get NABH Entry Level certification before June 2018.

Patient Safety is critical and since Healthcare is rated as the Most Hazardous environment , a continuous Quality Improvement process need to exist in a Healthcare facility to implement and improve practices that result in enhanced Patient Safety.

The Hospital is required to adhere to a set of objective elements and standards as prescribed by the NABH standards document. There are 10 Chapters with 45 standards and 167 objective elements that a Hospital has to adhere to.

When the Hospital can demonstrate adherence to these, an application can be made to NABH. NABH Assessors physically visit the Hospital and assess adherence to the standards. A non-compliance report is provided by the Assessor and the Hospital is expected to correct. If the compliances are inline with expectations, the Assessor forwards the application to the Accreditation committee and the Committee awards a certificate.

The main challenges are:

a. Knowing what is required to be done

b. Getting employees to practice

c. Documenting practices

d. Tracking and Monitoring adherence

e. Appointing and Retaining Good Quality personnel  or Champion

a.Knowing what is required to be done

Pre-defined templates provided in Ibhar mobile apps as well as Web systems provide this knowledge. These include Policies, SOPs, Registers, Forms, Signage soft copies, Virtual Mentors coach how to fix and put in place.

b.Getting employees to practice

Pre-defined Daily and Periodic checklists provide ability to Monitor compliances.

c.Documenting practices

Pre-defined Registers and Forms provide where to document along with appropriate SOPs. Checklists allow assessment of adherence.

d.Tracking and Monitoring adherence

Various tools which include Patient Feedback, Data Capture, Complaint logging and redressal, Audits, Dashboards enable quick and easy tracking/monitoring. Pre-built Structured Review formats help in reviewing process efficiency and outcome.

e.Appointing and Retaining Good Quality personnel or Champion

Since Ibhar provides the Inputs, helps you track and monitor at all times, the availability of a good quality person at all times is not a challenge.

a. It is a comprehensive kit information, guidance and tools to implement ALL that is required to be done to get a NABH certification or accreditation.

b. A department based evaluation and information kit complies with all that is required for each objective element of a NABH standard.

c. The approach, content and tools have been evaluated by CAHO (Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations)

d. A large number of Hospitals in India have been supported in the NABH process and a continual improvement process has been brought in using Ibhar

e. Over 125 CPQIH (Certified Personnel for Quality Improvement in Hospitals) have been trained to mentor hospitals across the country.

f. It significantly saves time and resources

g. It reduces dependency on the availability of Good Quality personnel

h. It provides management with control on what need to be done

i. It is fast and easy to deploy

j. It provides senior consultants the ability to provide guidance to your hospital everyday through the initial process

k. It is less expensive

l. It puts you in control

m. It would allow you to seamlessly get on to the next levels of Quality improvement

n. It provides an environment through which Continuous Quality Improvement can be administered and sustained

o. It provides a painless way by which practices related to NABH standards can be sustained even after certification.

p. It helps you reduce cost, improve revenue, enhance profitability and excel in patient safety and care delivery.

CAHO, Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations is a platform for all accredited hospitals for promoting and continuously improving the quality and safety of healthcare services.

CPQIH (Certified Professionals for Quality Improvement in Hospitals) are personnel trained and certified by CAHO through a rigorous training program on NABH standards.

You pay for the entire year in advance in the First year and pay quarterly post that.

This includes :

Mobile apps, Web software, Hosting charges

Standards operating procedures and Policies

Soft copy templates of Register, Forms, Case Sheet Formats, Signages

Virtual Mentoring for a month


ONE Audit

Online support

NABH application support

No the prices are standard for the Ibhar offering.

No. The prices are standard for bed categorizations.

The data is securely hosted in Microsoft Azure cloud environment.

The only people who have access to data are users assigned by you and the Virtual consultants.

No. An online presentation will be scheduled. Consultants can take calls on the phone.

The standard kit provides enough information on what you are required to do. The Virtual consultant will provide guidance on queries that you would have. You are required to take photographs on specific areas which the Virtual consultant would access and provide with appropriate guidance. An onsite visit can however be engaged at a cost.

Our experience indicates that additional investments are often required in these areas :

a. Printing of registers and forms

b. Signages

c. Personal Protective Equipment

d. Hand hygiene consumables

e. External training when your senior employees are unable to train

f. At least 2 mobile phones and access to the Internet

The Licenses that are mandatory for an Entry Level Certification program are :

a. Pollution Control Board certification

b. AERB (If Imaging services are operational)

c. PNDT (if USG is operational)

d. Fire NOC (atleast from a Private certifying body)

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